YICGG2023丨Sign up Before May for Journey to Dali in July!





Astana, Kazakhstan

Reunion at the Expo

Future Energy and Sustainable Infrastructure


Jakarta, Indonesia

Meeting in Coconut City

Oceans, Rivers and Lakes: 

Global Water Preservation, Utilization and Development


Huzhou, China

Smart City

Future Community, Youth Creation:

Build Smart Cities to Drive Sustainable Development


Shanghai, China

Looking Ahead

Governance of the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Actions and Future Prospects



This is a stage for youth,

where ideas meet.

The 2023 Rongchang Cup 

Youth Innovation Competition 

On Global Governance

 is about to kick off.

Welcome youths from all over the world

 to Yunnan.

Jointly seek a new chapter

in the field of global governance!



  A Review of YICGG2022


1. Impressions of YICGG

2. An Overview of YICGG

3. Theme of YICGG2023

4. Competition Process

5. Application Process

1. Impressions of YICGG

EXPO provides a great platform for youth innovation. I am grateful to YICGG for coming to 2015 Milan EXPO, to China Corporate United Pavilion and Fudan University for their deep involvement. China’s deep involvement is one of the key factors of success of Milan EXPO. 

The world is now facing a series of global issues, such as poverty, global warming, human rights, sustainable development, unemployment, etc. However, global governance still faces the problem of weak international organizations and remains on state rather than global level.

I really hope that the participants of YICGG, from all around the world, can be the core of global governance in the future.

——Mr. Enrico Letta,

Former Prime Minister of Italy

2. An Overview of YICGG

3. Theme of YICGG2023

Global Biodiversity: 

Youth Involvement and Initiatives

Biodiversity animates the planet, and humans depend on nature for survival and development. However, climate change and biodiversity decline have come to the fore in recent years, and the interplay between the two is threatening the integrity, health and sustainability of natural ecosystems. Biodiversity protection is an immediate necessity.

On the crucial issue of biodiversity for human living, the High-Level Segment of the UN Biodiversity Conference 2020 (Part 1) held in Kunming, China, in October 2021 formally adopted the Kunming Declaration, committing to ensure the development, adoption and implementation of a practical post-2020 global biodiversity framework to reverse the loss of biodiversity. At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2022, President Xi Jinping also outlined a roadmap for China's eco-environmental governance and biodiversity preservation in the coming years.

Youth play an increasingly important role in the cause of biodiversity and ecological protection. The global youth are invited to work together to make ecology a consciousness and biodiversity conservation a way of life. In light of this, YICGG2023 cordially invites young people from around the world to think of innovative solutions and propose feasible governance frameworks around the theme of biodiversity, so that we can put on a path to recovery by 2030 at the latest, towards the full realization of the 2050 Vision of Living in Harmony with Nature.

Recommended Themes

1.Evolving Environments:

Climate Change and the Conservation 

and Restoration of Ecosystems

2.Reforming Relationships:

Urban Biodiversity and ExploringNew Models for Development

3.National Action:

National Parks and Green Development

4.International Collaboration:

Global Governance on Biosecurity

5.International Practice:

Global Experience on Seed Biodiversity 

and Rural Development

6.Global Vision:

Sustainable Development

4. Competition Process

With reference to suggestions of participants and judges over the years, YICGG2023 has updated the competition rules as follows:

Round 1

Based on the theme of the preliminary round, participants are expected to formulate global governance proposals with creativity and foresight, either individually or in a group. The YICGG Committee will then strictly follow the experts’ evaluation and welcome the most competitive candidates to enter the second round. The Most Innovative Team(MIT) will be selected in this round.

Round 2-1

Ignite Talk is an optional part for the participants. Applicants are required to submit their Talk outlines(150-200 words) focused on their chosen topics. 

20 applicants will be selected by the judges to share their insights in the Talk. The most impressive participant will be honored with the individual award The Ignite Talk King/Queen (ITK/ITQ).

Round 2-2

We Youth Common Agenda aims to nourish the common goals of the youth who share a passion for global governance. Viable ideas will be delivered to relevant UN organizations after the event.

Round 2-3

The World Café is a form of brainstorming. The World Teams engage in round-table discussions under the guidance of judges, focusing on proposals developed within the finalist theme. Each discussion lasts 15-20 minutes. When the time is up, the World Teams rotate to the next table, where another judge leads the discussion, and so on, allowing contestants to interact with all the judges. The judges and contestants continuously exchange their ideas, igniting sparks of thought.

Round 2-4

This year YICGG will add up a new session called World Youth Talk . If you are willing to participate in this session,please wait for further notice.

Round 2-5

A more targeted topic will be announced in the final session. Every World Team is expected to write a project report based on the topic and finally present it. The project should feature creativity, feasibility, and effectiveness.

Among all the candidates, the first-ranking final project will be bestowed The Most Valuable Project (MVP)

5. Application Process

Step 1 

Basic information

· If you are interested in YICGG, please register as soon as possible. This will ensure that you receive the latest information from YICGG2023 Committee.

· For registration, please complete the form in the attachment named YICGG2023-personal info-preliminary round

· Send this form with your curriculum vitae to our official mailbox: [email protected].

Deadline for registration: 

April 30th, 2023

Step 2

Group Design for Creative Projects

· To participate in the first round of competition, you/your group need to submit your proposal to our official mailbox: [email protected].

Deadline for submission: 

May 7th, 2023

Step 3

Assessment & Result Release

· Based on your papers, the professional jury will decide the participants that will be able to travel to Yunnan for the final, which will be released in May.

Deadline for result release:

 May 28th, 2023

Step 4


· All candidates will have 3 days to decide whether to participate in the second round. YICGG2023 Committee, on behalf of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, will send an invitation letter to the participants after their confirmation.

Deadline for confirmation: 

May 31rd, 2023

Step 5

Registration for Ignite Talk & World Youth Talk

· Candidates who want to participate in Ignite Talkought to send an email to the official mailbox : [email protected] attached with the speech outline based on the theme of the first round, approximately 150 to 200 words. Judges will select 20 candidates as Ignite Talk talkers.

Deadline for registration for Iginte Talk 

June 11th, 2023

Note:Candidates who want to participate in World Youth Talk please wait for further specific notice.

Contact Us


[email protected]

[email protected]


Room 604 of Liberal Arts Building, 220 Handan Road, Shanghai, China







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